Saturday, April 6, 2013

ℓσνε msp ( Moviestarplanet ) Do you?

Peoples opinion on msp

( im not saying their name/username.. maybe a few )

"Yes, i think its the best social game ever."
"Its ok.. But on the other hand there is alot of hacking atm.." 
Anonymous said: " I love msp cuz I hack who I want, I have done it to Ishacool before."
=BOBBIE- "Its pathetic about how long you get locked out 4. iv been locked out for 7 days X( "
"No, I dont like msp at all, I deleted it quite recently 'cuz I think all these updates has ruined msp."
Ishacool: "Its ok. But I like the fact people like me and are my fans but, only 'cuz im level 25 doesnt mean im "awesome" "cool" Im just an ordenary 13 year old. P.S i have added u x"

Thank you for your updates and opinions based on msp. I will keep you updated on the latest reports,
Buh Bai x

Friday, April 5, 2013

Pretty Moviestarplanet Users

Hey, welcome to my blog spot,  Feel free to add me on Facebook

Me n the gang.

My new user,

Im the one on the left and Ishacool is the green one.

This is my fave look

Loves: 12.581 didnt allow anyone to buy this look. 

Love this look. Loves: 14.593

I wont tell u what my username is 'cuz that would be, well... Strange? after all i dont know you.. Ur just a lovely person that decided to check out my blog :) 
lloves: 1.875 
Buys: 0 (cuz pple have to ask if they can buy my look, n pple asked me n i said "no, sorry. x"

I personally like this one, i love the colours. Loves:1532

  official picture ->


Outfit isnt ve

 Buys: 24

Loves: 134 

ry nice, but if she put other clothes on, she would look beautiful. .  Loves: : 14 buys: 0

 <- This is my "BFF" alayyna  .  (username)

She asked me if I wanted to pi-zap edit it. I love this outfit. (i bought it hehe)

                                         ^ This is Mary-Anne341 
She only has 1 rare atm. .__. 
Rare: Trashy frills / Black And White /

This is Naomi. She was new, She gave me her account cuz she left. 

This is a pretty look, I  hate the colour yellow,  but this outfit remonds me of a spring chick.

This is me and lola, im the one on the right, lola is on the left, She is new, But she IS PRETTY for a level 3. DONT JUDGE HER!!